Voted Best Answer

Jul 06, 2024 - 08:28 AM
You've correctly surmised that the cloudiness is most likely a result of dissolved thermal paste. The thermal grease is usually a non-ionic lithium based grease that readily dissolves in the hydrocarbon base of our Coolants. The good news is that this is usually a cosmetic issue and doesn't affect the electrical or heat transfer characteristics of the Coolant.
Filtration with a wound filter element of <10 micron nominal pore size may remove some of the grey color over time. However, once dissolved, the TIM is difficult to remove, as it's mostly chemical in nature, rather than particulate. Dilution with new ElectroCool doesn't work well, as you'll end up with a larger quantity of grey coolant. Our recommendation is that you leave it alone or replace it if you can't get used to the cloudiness and filtration doesn't help.
Filtration with a wound filter element of <10 micron nominal pore size may remove some of the grey color over time. However, once dissolved, the TIM is difficult to remove, as it's mostly chemical in nature, rather than particulate. Dilution with new ElectroCool doesn't work well, as you'll end up with a larger quantity of grey coolant. Our recommendation is that you leave it alone or replace it if you can't get used to the cloudiness and filtration doesn't help.
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