
Aug 19, 2022 - 01:26 PM
What you are describing is not unusual. Because our Dielectric Coolants are non-polar, they have no surface tension, so unlike water which has high surface tension, our Dielectric Fluids will flow through ting holes that water will not.
We recommend using JB Weld to do the repair.
You first need to clearly identify the source of the leak, because our Dielectric Fluids can travel some distance from a leak prior to forming a drip. We recommend cleaning the area thoroughly and then checking the suspected area with a paper towel to establish the exact source of the leak before assuming the drip is where the leak is.
You will need to remove the fluid from the tank and place an oil absorbent pad in the area where the leak is coming from to remove fluid film and then use a common degreaser such as 409 to clean the area. We want to prevent the Dielectric Fluid from seeping into JB Weld while it is setting up.
We recommend using a 320grit or similar sandpaper to scuff the area where the JB Weld will adhere to the tank, this will greatly improve adhesion.
Mix the JB Weld per the instructions and apply it in a thin coat to the leak area allowing at lead 2mm of overlap around the pin hole. Allow to set up and harden fully. Inspect the repair for any bubbles or cavities, it sometimes requires a second application where again you prep the weld and surface area with the sandpaper again and then reapply to ensure that any cavities are filled. We have found that using a sharpened wooden stir stick is a great tool to help tease out any air bubbles in the putty after application.
Once the putty has fully set in 24hrs, fluid can be put back in the tank, and we recommend letting it sit for about 2-3hrs to check that leak has been repaired.
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