Mar 11, 2022 - 02:16 PM
When using Engineered Fluids Dielectric Fluids, condensation cannot occur in our mining tanks. I have outlined the reasons this does not occur in Engineered Fluids system below.
1: The moisture level of our dielectric coolants is <20 ppm; meaning there is no moisture to condense.
2: The tanks are open, so if there were moisture in them, it would vaporize into the atmosphere. Engineered Fluids is the world's largest supplier of dielectric coolants for immersion cooling. We supply to the largest mining facilities in the world and have never had a single instance of moisture condensation damaging machines over the course of the fluids lifespan pending the fluid has not been contaminated from outside sources.
3: Corrosion cannot occur in a non polar dielectric fluid. Corrosion requires ion transfer, which is impossible in a non ionic fluid.
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