
Nov 13, 2019 - 06:47 AM
Engineered Fluids' AmpCool, BitCool, ElectroCool and VoltCool Dielectric Coolants are flammable, however, unlike other dielectric fluids, our coolants can only burn when a very precise set of conditions occur.
The primary difference between our synthetic Dielectric Coolants and mineral oil or silicone fluid dielectrics is their extremely low volatility and subsequent high flash points. Our Dielectric Coolants are composed of synthetic hydrocarbons having flash points that range from 140 to 280 C. Extensive laboratory and real-world testing has shown that, in order to ignite fluids of this type, the entire bulk of the fluid must be heated to above the flash point, and an external (non-immersed) ignition source must also be present.
In our now famous "ElectroCool Blowtorch Flammability Test Video" we demonstrate that because of ElectroCool's outstanding heat transfer characteristics, an acetylene blowtorch cannot ignite the surface of a pool of ElectroCool even when the flame is directed onto the surface of the fluid for more than 30 seconds.
Engineered Fluids' Dielectric Coolants also meet all relevant flammability requirements in international specifications of dielectric fluids.(1,2) and are therefore rated as not-flammable by insurance carriers.
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